Aloe como
la naturaleza lo quiso

Forever Living es el mayor productor y fabricante de aloe vera y productos a base de aloe vera del mundo. Como expertos, somos The Aloe Vera Company.
Nos hemos dedicado a buscar los mejores lugares de la naturaleza para la salud y la belleza y queremos compartirlos con el mundo. En Forever, combinamos aloe vera puro con ingredientes naturales y científicamente avanzados especialmente seleccionados para complementar y mejorar los beneficios del aloe vera.

De la planta al producto para Usted

Desde el momento en que nuestro aloe se planta en el suelo hasta que llega a sus manos, controlamos todo el proceso.
Somos dueños de los campos donde crece el aloe. Nuestro aloe es cosechado y fileteado a mano para extraer delicadamente el potente gel de la hoja interna y proporcionarle el gel de aloe vera más puro y fresco. Luego se procesa con asepsia a las pocas horas de la cosecha para garantizar la frescura.
A lo largo de nuestro proceso de fabricación, realizamos más de 1,400,000 de pruebas de calidad por año para garantizar que disfrute del poder del aloe vera, tal como la naturaleza lo quiso. Imagine cortar una hoja de aloe y consumir el gel directamente de la planta.
Nuestros productos de aloe fueron los primeros en recibir el Sello de aprobación del Consejo Internacional de Ciencias del Aloe por su contenido y pureza. Los beneficios incluyen: digestión saludable, promover un sistema inmunológico más saludable, ayudar a mantener los niveles de energía naturales y la salud e higiene dental.

Acerca de MANDY

I absolutely love what I do now, helping others achieve THEIR goals , and helping hundreds of people with some pretty amazing products. Did I ever think I would be working with natural products ? not for one second lol. I had such a varied bunch of careers , from NHS radiographer to medical recruitment, police officer, sonographer, ultrasound manager and even ran my own garden design business for a while in my constant attempt to gain a role that not only made me feel great for helping others, but also allowed me the flexibility to choose my hours and how hard I worked. I found it hard getting the balance right . I either worked long hours, away from home and earned great money( with no opportunity to do much with it ) OR I had a bit of a work life balance, but poor income .... I just felt there HAD to be another way! So when Forever came my way, I was both sceptical, intrigued, and hopeful that it was everything it said it was. I discovered the products were every bit, if not more than they purported to be, with such versatile uses, that it was impossible not to love them! Hard work wasn't an issue for me and when I looked at the business in depth I realised how ethical and fair this was, unlike ANY job role I had been in before, where promotion wasn't down to you but down to a 'paper sift' process most of the time along with many other factors , all of which seemed to be out of the employees control. I just wanted to have the opportunity to make the choices on MY future and be rewarded if I chose to work hard ..... for ME , what I saw was freedom .... and although I had NO previous experience, I could see that neither had anyone else who had been successful. So I knew if THEY could do learn what to do and achieve it , so could I. No boss, no fixed hours, no stress, no targets , and a simple system that I could learn...

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Purists will love Forever Aloe Vera Gel© made with 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera.

  • Sin conservantes añadidos
  • Ayuda a una digestión saludable
  • Promueve un sistema inmunitario saludable.
  • Ayuda a la absorción de nutrientes
  • Ayuda a mantener los niveles de energía natural.
  • Apto para veganos
  • Apto para vegetarianos
  • Sin gluten

¿Quiere probar la diferencia?

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